

Proje Türü Avrupa Birliği - Erasmus+ Projeleri
Proje Alt Türü Erasmus+ KA1 Okul Eğitimi
Proje Açıklaması The 1/3 of our students are living under hard socio-economical conditions. 2/3 of those students have low marks and any of them doesn't have enough social skills. Regarding the teachers most common duty as to prepare the students to the life itself,we want to support our classes with different and new teaching techniques. Our other aims are helping the students get to know their own abilities in spite of their deficiencies and changing the students’ point of view about school. With the help of a training course we wil take on 29/09/2014-03/10/2014 in brcelos,Portugal and an e-twinning project which will be held with different cultures we intend to increase the students’ interests in both different cultures and their own culture,create and maintain close ties between young Europeans,see how it is possible to have permanent friendship with people in different countries, know better about partner countries’ cultural structure and to take attention to different countries cultural elements through education process. We also have goals for the participant teachers who will attend the training course in Portugal such as improving personal and professional skills,supporting carreer development via learning different teaching items and techniques,increasing their guidance for the socio-economically disadvantaged students. The main idea of this project is to promote creativity ,language learning and personal fulfilment through using different techniques during class uniting all the students regardless of their socio-economic situations and physical appearance. This project will be held by Bor Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School between 15/09/2014 and 14/09/2015 in order to cling the students to life and help them have a certain aim in life. The activities will be held by 3 different branches' teachers by guiding almost 80 disadvantaged students.
Proje Amacı Our aims are to create and develop an attitude of openness, self-confidence, respect for the other nations, tolerance among the world children. Through this project both the teachers and the students will create respect for the other cultures, realize cultural differences of other countries, change their point of views about school, learn that it is possible to create positive attitude against hard living conditions,get personal fulfillment, have a sense of European citizenship, benefit from technology(having e-pals, preparing presentations via computers, etc.) Such kind of activities help the social, emotional and psychological development of our children. They gradually become aware of a united international community they live in. It is also very important for teachers to get to know each other with their colleagues in different countries to improve educational facilities. We will have the chance to learn about different cultures to share with our students living in a socio-economically disadvantaged environment. Participating in such project will help us to promote our school, strengthen its position, to create a favorable image, so having a better interest of the local community will give the chance to develop both socially and educationally.
Projeyi Yürüten Kurum(lar)
Kurum adıProjedeki Rolü
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu Proje Koordinatörü
Intercultural Association Mobilty Friends,Barcelos/PortugalProje İştirakçisi ( Katılımcı )
Başlangıç Tarihi 2014-09-15
Bitiş Tarihi 2015-09-14
Hedeflenen / Gerçekleşen Proje Çıktıları A drama course for the disadvantaged students will be opened on 01/10/2014 and will be closed on 31/05/2015. Our Mother Tongue teacher will be the guide for the students.With the work done by the participants of the course,we will perform a play for neighbour schools and for the local commmunity at the end of the education year. A training course in Portugal will be done with 4 participants from our school between 29/09/2014 and 03/10/2014. We have applied for an e-twinning project named 'Say Goodbye to Solitude' which we got NSS approval. Our students will have a great chance to communicate and cooperate with pupils from other countries via this project. The coordination of this project will be done by our English teachers.We will start a website of our project which will be updated regularly by our ICT teacher. A logo of the project competition will be held by our headteacher. The participants of the competition will be our students and the logo will be chosen by them via a question
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Proje Bütçesi 6600 TRY

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