
Proje: -Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu-United Music of Europe-2011/2013

Proje Türü Avrupa Birliği - Erasmus+ Projeleri
Proje Alt Türü 2013 Yılı Comenius Okul Ortaklığı
Proje Adı -Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu-United Music of Europe-2011/2013
Proje Açıklaması Music makes the people come together and this makes the children’s colourful and peaceful dreams come true. The main idea of this project is to promote creativity ,language learning and personal fulfilment through music uniting all the people regardless of their socio-economic situations, physical appearance and language. Type: Multilateral Partnership Concrete objectives: - help the students get to know their own abilities in spite of their deficiencies - create and maintain close ties between young Europeans - seeing how it is possible to have permanent friendship with people in different countries - knowing better about partner countries’ musical structure - take attention to different countries musical elements through education process. - changing the students’ point of view about school - increasing the students’ interests in both different cultures and their own culture
Proje Amacı -to help the students get to know their own abilities in spite of their deficiencies - to improve personal and social competence - to reinforce social development skills -to increase awareness of one’s own identity in a local, national and European context -to develop communicative competence -to enhance research skills of the students. -to encourage target groups to exhibit their personal skills. -to reinforce social development skills. -to understand cultural differences. -to enhance availability of learning opportunities for the students. -to develop horizon everyone who participate in project. -to introduce people who have different culture,religion,race,country. -to learn to respect different thoughts. -to wish to participate in Europe Union process and support it. -to promote the European dimension of education
Projeyi Yürüten Kurum(lar)
Kurum adıProjedeki Rolü
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu Proje Koordinatörü
Istituto Comprensivo "P. Giannone" IschitellaProje Ortağı
Başlangıç Tarihi 2011-08-01
Bitiş Tarihi 2013-07-01
Hedeflenen / Gerçekleşen Proje Çıktıları End Products:- the project website; - the logo of the project; - the song of the project; - a brochure named ‘’A Musical Trip Across Europe ’’ which contains the symbols of the colours, the songs and their colours effecting our daily life; - a poster of the peace in the world (using the partner countries’ flags) named ‘’A Colourful Music’’ ; - presentations about partner countries’ famous places with a sound of famous local music; - the guide for students, teachers and parents named “How does music help our inner world and affect behaviours?’’
Projenin Kurumdaki Sorumlusu Elçin Kiraz ÜNAL TEZ
Projenin Uygulandığı Yer BOR/NİĞDE Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu
Proje Bütçesi 23000 EUR

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