
Proje: MEHMET AKİF ERSOY ORTAOKULU/Say Goodbye to Solitude/2014

Proje Türü eTwinning
Proje Alt Türü Yabancı Diller
Proje Adı MEHMET AKİF ERSOY ORTAOKULU/Say Goodbye to Solitude/2014
Proje Açıklaması pupils will share cultural items via e-mail,video conferences,twinspace,facebook,web publishing,etc. so that they can improve their personal and social competence.
Proje Amacı We intend to improve communication and cooperation between students of different coutries and so different cultures to promote social skills via using ICT skills.
Projeyi Yürüten Kurum(lar)
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Mehmet Akif Ersoy Ortaokulu Proje Koordinatörü
Başlangıç Tarihi 2014-03-10
Bitiş Tarihi 2014-11-01
Hedeflenen / Gerçekleşen Proje Çıktıları to help the students get to know their own abilities in spite of their deficiencies - to improve personal and social competence - to reinforce social development skills -to increase awareness of one’s own identity in a local, national and European context -to develop communicative competence -to encourage target groups to exhibit their personal skills - to create and maintain close ties between young Europeans - seeing how it is possible to have permanent friendship with people in different countries - to know better about partner countries’ cultural structure -to realize different thoughts on different cultures - to take attention to different countries cultural elements through education process. - to promote the European dimension of education - changing the students’ point of view about school - to develop horizon everyone who participate in project -to learn to respect different thoughts - increasing the students’ interests in both different cultures and their own c
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